A Blog by Jonathan Low


Feb 9, 2024

New Commander Syrski Says Ukrainian Forces Must Innovate To Win

This is not a new message - nor is it new behavior for the Ukrainian military, which has sunk a third of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, kept the Russian Air Force from operating over Ukrainian territory - and fought the numerically superior Russian Army to a standstill.  

The issue now is to what degree a new commander with a similar emphasis on surprise, adaptation and technology may better enable Ukrainian forces to continue to thwart Putin's frustrated ambitions while preparing to drive the Russians out of Ukraine. JL 

Max Hunder reports in US News and World Report:

Ukraine's armed forces must adapt and find innovative ways to fight to achieve victory over Russian invaders, Kyiv's new armed forces chief said on Friday, in his first public remarks since taking command. Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi, previously commander of ground forces, was promoted Thursday to overall command of Ukraine's 800,000-strong armed forces. "Only changes and constant improvement of the means and methods of warfare will make it possible to achieve success on this path," Syrskyi wrote, singling out drones and electronic warfare.

Ukraine's armed forces must adapt and find innovative ways to fight to achieve victory over Russian invaders, Kyiv's new armed forces chief said on Friday, in his first public remarks since taking command.Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi, previously commander of ground forces, was promoted on Thursday to overall command of Ukraine's 800,000-strong armed forces, the biggest shakeup of top brass since the war began, coming at a challenging time.

"Only changes and constant improvement of the means and methods of warfare will make it possible to achieve success on this path," Syrskyi wrote in post on Telegram, singling out drones and electronic warfare as examples of new technology that would help Ukraine achieve victory.

The cautious, pragmatic tone was notably short of the soaring rhetoric used by Ukrainian politicians throughout the war.

The Latest Photos From Ukraine

BAKHMUT REGION, UKRAINE - NOVEMBER 3: The Ukrainian military fires RPGs at enemy positions as the special military unit "Kurt & Company group" hold the first line of the frontline Russian-Ukrainian war on November 3, 2023 in Bakhmut District, Ukraine, the frontline of the Russian Ukrainian war. Ukrainian forces continue to fight to retake Bakhmut, which was captured by Russian forces in May, following a yearlong war battle. Over the summer, Ukraine regained territory north and south of Bakhmut but Russia has held the city itself. (Photo by Kostya Liberov/Libkos/Getty Images)

Defence Minister Rustem Umerov said he had introduced Syrskyi to the General Staff, and promised "all possible support for the actions and decisions of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine".

"Defence is in good hands," Umerov said on Facebook.

The change in commanders comes in a difficult period for Ukraine, which has failed to recapture significant territory since late 2022 and now faces a potential disruption in military aid supply from the United States, its biggest backer.

Russian forces are now on the offensive across the frontlines and making gradual inroads into the town of Avdiivka, which Moscow has been trying to capture for several months.

As ground commander, Syrskyi oversaw the successful defence of Ukraine's capital at the outset of the Russian invasion and a lightning counter-offensive in the north-east, two of the biggest successes of the first year of the war.

However, some Ukrainian soldiers have criticized him for his subsequent leadership during Ukraine's prolonged defence of the eastern town of Bakhmut, where thousands of troops perished on both sides before Kyiv's forces withdrew in May 2023.

In his announcement yesterday, Zelenskiy said Syrskyi would present his new team with the aim of "resetting" the military.


george said...
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george said...

"Commander Syrski's emphasis on innovation underscores the need for Ukrainian forces to adapt strategically, leveraging ||abogado de delitos sexuales nueva jersey||Multa Conducción Imprudente Nueva Jersey cutting-edge tactics and technology to gain an edge in the dynamic nature of modern warfare."

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