How High Corporate Profits, Not Input Costs, Contribute 53 Percent Of Inflation
New data reveal that over half of US inflation can be attributed to 'excess' corporate profits - colloquially known as 'greedflation.'
These profits are considered excess because while producers passed along their own input costs, those have now decreased substantially while most companies, especially in consumer goods, have refused to pass along their savings. The result has been stubborn inflationary costs for basic products despite suppliers now higher margins. These data add to the growing evidence that inflation is not the fault of policy makers or the Federal Reserve, but of intentional corporate decisions made at consumers' expense. JL
Tom Perkins reports in The Guardian:
A new report found corporate profits accounted for about 53% of inflation during last
year’s second and third quarters. Profits drove just 11% of price
growth in the 40 years prior to the pandemic. Prices for consumers rose by 3.4% over the past year, but input costs for producers increased by just 1%. Corporate profits as a share of national income are up by 29%. Corporate earnings calls found executives bragging to shareholders
about keeping prices high and widening profit margins as input costs
come down. “Costs have come down substantially, and while corporations were quick
to pass on their increased costs to consumers, they are less quick to pass on their savings.”
A new report claims “resounding evidence” shows that high corporate profits are a main driver of ongoing inflation, and companies continue to keep prices high even as their inflationary costs drop.
The report, compiled by the progressiveGroundwork Collaborativethinktank, found corporate profits accounted for about 53% of inflation during last year’s second and third quarters. Profits drove just 11% of price growth in the 40 years prior to the pandemic, according to the report.
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Prices for consumers rose by 3.4% over the past year, but input costs for producers increased by just 1%, according to the authors’ calculations which were based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and National Income and Products Accounts.
“Costs have come down substantially, and while corporations were quick to pass on their increased costs to consumers, they are surprisingly less quick to pass on their savings to consumers,” Liz Pancotti, a Groundwork strategic advisor and paper co-author, told the Guardian.
Since pandemic inflation spiked in 2021, a high-stakesdebatehas played out about its sources. Many progressive economists pointed to corporate profits – or “greedflation” – and supply chain issues as a driver of high prices, while their more conservative counterparts singled out government stimulus cash and high wages.
The report’s authors scoured corporate earnings calls and found executives bragging to shareholders about keeping prices high and widening profit margins as input costs come down.
The findings come as the Federal Reserve has hiked interest rates to their highest point in 20 years. The report casts serious doubt on the need for further interest rate hikes, and instead calls for stronger policies to rein in “corporate profiteering”.
Prices rose in 2021 as labor costs jumped and supply chain shocks from the pandemic and the Ukraine war snarled shipping traffic and left energy supplies in question. But those issues have in many cases been fully sorted out or are easing, and the labor market has stabilized. Many commodities and services producers’ prices have actually decreased, the report notes.
Nearly 60% of thedropin key goods and services’ inputs was driven by large declines in energy costs, such as jet fuel and diesel fuel, while transportation and warehousing costs have fallen by nearly 4% since June 2022 peaks.
Still, prices remain high. Consumers are still paying about 25% more for groceries, the report notes as an example.
Corporations maintain high prices by exploiting cost shocks caused by events like the Ukraine war and coordinating price hikes, said Isabella Weber, a University of Massachusetts Amherst economist who was not part of the paper.
The shocks create an environment in which it is safe for firms to increase prices as they expect their competitors to do the same, said Weber.
“This is a form of implicit collusion,” she said. “Firms do not even need to talk to one another to know that a cost shock is a great time to raise prices. But when costs fall, price setting firms do not have any incentive to decrease prices.”
If no firms launch a price war, Weber added, then companies “hold the line” on prices and widen margins. She pointed tofood processorsas an example.
The paper zooms in on the diaper industry, of which Procter & Gamble and Kimberly-Clark control 70% of the domestic market. Diaper prices have increased by more than 30% since 2019 from, on average, $16.50 to nearly $22.
The rise was partly driven by an increase in commodities like wood pulp, a major component of diapers. Wholesale wood pulp prices soared by 87% between January 2021 and January 2023, but last year prices dropped by 25%.
Still, diaper prices have not come down with lower costs, the authors say. Groundwork examined earnings calls and found executives at both companies boasting of widening profit margins as input costs decreased. A drop in inputs accounted for about one third of Kimberly Clark’s profits, company executives said.
P&G executives said in their July earnings call they expect $800m in windfall profits because of declining input costs, suggesting they won’t bring down prices.
Meanwhile, workers aren’t faring as well – corporate profits as a share of national income are up by about 29%, and workers’ share of corporate earnings is still down from pre-pandemic levels.
The Biden administration has taken steps to strengthen supply chains, Pancotti noted, and Joe Biden recently called on corporations to stop “gouging” consumers as input costs fall. But she and Weber called for stronger action, pointing to other nations with forms of price control in place.
In France, the government intervenes in price negotiations among retailers and producers. Earlier this month, with the government’s support, the supermarket chain Carrefourbannedsome PepsiCo products from its shelves because of “unacceptable price increases”.
Absent strong government intervention in pricing, the 2025 expiration of the Trump corporate tax cuts presents an opportunity to rein in corporations via the tax code, Pancotti said.
“We’ve decided as a country that we like to have very large, powerful corporations and we are OK with them being very profitable,” she said. “We need to take a really hard look at how our tax code incentivizes corporate profiteering and ask: ‘Do we as a country want to do something about that?’”
"The report, compiled by the progressive Groundwork Collaborative thinktank"
This is so funny that you can't make this shit up.
That said, citing absurdities such as this undermines your Ukraine commentary. A glaring inability to accept reality vis-a-vis the global economy or our Vegetable-in-Chief doesn't help.
If you bother to do any research whatsoever you will quickly and easily - so important for trolls! - find that this is merely the latest in a growing number of reports on the same phenomenon. Hence the growing use of the term 'greedflation' which antidated this post by months. The US economy is humming while the syphlitic felon hoping to cheat and bully his way to another nomination continues to demonstrate his cognitive decline.
New data reveals that over half of US inflation can be attributed to 'greedflation', or excess corporate profits. This is because producers have decreased their input costs, while most companies, particularly in consumer goods, refuse to pass along their savings. This results in stubborn inflationary costs for basic products despite suppliers having higher margins. The report suggests that inflation is not the fault of policy makers or the Federal Reserve but of intentional corporate decisions made at consumers' expense. Flyoke
As a Partner and Co-Founder of Predictiv and PredictivAsia, Jon specializes in management performance and organizational effectiveness for both domestic and international clients. He is an editor and author whose works include Invisible Advantage: How Intangilbles are Driving Business Performance. Learn more...
"The report, compiled by the progressive Groundwork Collaborative thinktank"
This is so funny that you can't make this shit up.
That said, citing absurdities such as this undermines your Ukraine commentary. A glaring inability to accept reality vis-a-vis the global economy or our Vegetable-in-Chief doesn't help.
If you bother to do any research whatsoever you will quickly and easily - so important for trolls! - find that this is merely the latest in a growing number of reports on the same phenomenon. Hence the growing use of the term 'greedflation' which antidated this post by months. The US economy is humming while the syphlitic felon hoping to cheat and bully his way to another nomination continues to demonstrate his cognitive decline.
New data reveals that over half of US inflation can be attributed to 'greedflation', or excess corporate profits. This is because producers have decreased their input costs, while most companies, particularly in consumer goods, refuse to pass along their savings. This results in stubborn inflationary costs for basic products despite suppliers having higher margins. The report suggests that inflation is not the fault of policy makers or the Federal Reserve but of intentional corporate decisions made at consumers' expense. Flyoke
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