A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jul 6, 2023

Ukraine's Infantry and Missile Attacks Collapse Russian Bakhmut Defenses

Ukraine's steady pounding of both Russian front lines and rear area logistics appears to be having a deleterious effect on Russian capabilities to defend its positions around Bakhmut.

The now largely destroyed city and its environs has become one of the most promising axes of Ukraine's counteroffensive. JL 

Euromaidan Press reports:

The destruction of multiple ammunition depots, equipment, oil depots, and a dozen artillery batteries on a narrow front line created massive short-term problems for the Russians and a decrease in the ability of the Russians to conduct defensive operations. Russian forces had problems deploying their reserves to Klishchiivka,  the most powerful fortification on the Bakhmut front. The Russian command once again seems to be making a grave mistake – prioritizing holding settlements instead of tactical heights around these settlements.

The destruction of multiple ammunition depots, echelons with equipment, oil depots, and a dozen of artillery batteries on such a narrow front line created massive short-term problems for the Russians. And a short-term decrease in the ability of the Russians to conduct defensive operations is all Ukrainians needed.

Today Ukrainian sources reported that Russian forces had problems deploying their reserves to Klishchiivka on time, possibly due to the Ukrainian precision strikes on Russian logistics. Soon, the most prominent Russian sources started raising the alarm that Ukrainians breached Russian defense and took Klishchiivka.

Situation south of Donetsk’s Bakhmut as of 6 July 2023. Klishchiivka village is located on the commanding heights. Map: Deep State ~

Situation south of Donetsk’s Bakhmut as of 6 July 2023. Klishchiivka village is located on the commanding heights. Map: Deep State

Interestingly, Ukrainian sources claimed that they had not taken Klishchiivka yet. However, the news about the fact that Ukrainians entered it is true. It looks like Russian sources understand that Klishchiivka will shortly fall and are setting the information conditions for the collapse of the front line. And this is not surprising because the fact that Ukrainians entered the village means that they have cleared the most powerful fortification on the entire front, namely, an extensive trench network on a hill.

After destroying a dozen Russian batteries, the Russian artillery fire significantly decreased, making these positions that were already in a salient even more vulnerable. Russian sources reported that Ukrainians had opened 4 axes of advance: 2 north of the village and 2 south of the village. All Ukrainian assault units necessarily leveraged the tree lines that they have cleared east of the canal. One group successfully entered the village from the south, got into the Russian rear, and caused a lot of problems for the Russian forces. This operation was a massive success because by drawing Russian attention and resources to the southern part of the village, Ukrainians made sure that Russians had fewer troops to protect the most powerful fortification.

Overall, Ukrainians established control over the trenches, but more importantly, the local heights. As you can see, the next Russian defensive positions are located in the lowlands, so moving further will be much easier. And this is exactly why Russian analysts are so concerned about this direction and urge the Russian command to hold the line no matter the losses. The Russian command once again seems to be making a grave mistake – prioritizing holding settlements instead of tactical heights around these settlements. Such a setting is very beneficial for Ukrainian assault units.


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