Jul 15, 2023

Ukraine Captures Bakhmut Heights As Chechen Reinforcements Flee

Ukraine is methodically clearing the flanks around Bakhmut, reducing the smoking ruin of a city a cauldron in which remaining Russian troops are trapped.

Chechen troops, sent in a reinforcements, have not lived up to their fearsome reputation as fighters. JL 

Euromaidan Press reports:

The Ukrainians targeted Chechen units with artillery strikes before they even reached Bakhmut, resulting in high casualties. Chechen units are not used to operating in challenging open environments, especially without cannon fodder as subordinates. The Ukrainians held an advantage (as) their positions were on the hills above Klishchiivka where the Russians were attacking from. Ukrainian forces see this as an opportunity to target concentrated forces and exhaust Russian reserves.

More details have emerged about the storming operation of the most intense fortification in the trench network on the hill west of Klishchiivka, Donetsk Oblast.

Screenshot from video: Klishchiyivka, Donetsk Oblast ~

Screenshot from video: Klishchiyivka, Donetsk Oblast

When the Ukrainians finally gained control over the dense forest area, they essentially had a clear view of the Russian forces entrenched before them. The scenario was as follows: Ukrainian positions were nested within the forest, while Russian positions were stationed 400 meters to the east. The Ukrainians amassed their forces in the forest, planning to assault the Russian positions by swiftly advancing towards the Russian trenches along the tree line.

Screenshot from video: Ukrainian and Russian forces’ position ~

Screenshot from video: Ukrainian and Russian forces’ position

To ensure survival during this daring maneuver, the Ukrainians conducted extensive artillery preparation, suppressing enemy fire as much as possible. The Russian forces, understanding what was imminent, kept a close watch on the gathering of forces in the small forest.

Nevertheless, Ukrainian fighters from the 24th and 5th Assault Brigades soon released a video showing them walking on the fortification, confirming that the assault was successful and the trenches had been cleared.

Subsequent footage revealed a Ukrainian tank stationed in the southwestern part of the fortification, firing high-explosive shells at the next Russian positions in Klishchiivka. Regrettably, the tank was targeted by Russian ATGM crews.

Despite the successful operation, further advancement became temporarily problematic. Upon receiving news of the loss of the tactical heights, the Russian commanders began deploying all their reserves to Klishchiivka, Donetsk Oblast.


Ukrainians captured the tactical heights near Klischiivka. Screenshot from video

The Russian forces redeployed Chechen units in an attempt to salvage the situation.

Unfortunately for the Russians, the Chechen forces were unable to turn the tide in their favor.

The Ukrainians held a twofold advantage: firstly, their positions were on the hills above Klishchiivka (where the Russians were attacking from), and secondly, the unique shape of the trench network they had built. Its eastern side was wide, making it difficult for the enemy to attack, while its western side was narrow, facilitating an attack from the Ukrainian side.

Screenshot from video: the Ukrainian-designed trench network ~

Screenshot from video: the Ukrainian-designed trench network

This is why the Ukrainians managed to assault the Russian positions with relative ease and why the Russians struggled to recapture these positions during their counterattacks. After witnessing the terrain in person and suffering heavy losses in futile attacks, the Chechen forces retreated.

Ukrainian sources reported that the Chechen units are not used to operating in such challenging open environments, especially without cannon fodder as subordinates.

Chechen sources reported that the Ukrainians targeted the Chechen units with artillery strikes before they even reached Bakhmut, Donetsk Oblast, resulting in high casualties and preventing further operations in this region.

Ukrainian commanders report that the Russian forces continue to throw their reserves into the fray in large numbers in a desperate attempt to salvage the situation.

Screenshot from a video: Ukrainian-Russian fight near Klishchiyivka, Donetsk Oblast ~

Screenshot from a video: Ukrainian-Russian fight near Klishchiyivka, Donetsk Oblast

The Ukrainian forces see this as an opportunity to target concentrated forces, which is why they have temporarily halted their aggressive push and assumed a defensive position. Meanwhile, Ukrainian reconnaissance drone operators and artillery crews are working tirelessly to identify and demolish Russian troops in and around Klishchiivka.

Once the Russian forces exhaust their reserves and the intensity of counterattacks diminishes, the Ukrainians plan to advance and push the Russians out of this settlement.

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