A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jan 6, 2016

Phablet Usage Grew 334% in One Year While Big Tablets Are Fading

Darwin was right, Steve Jobs was wrong. Less convenient models of mobile devices are becoming extinct. The imperatives of evolutionary design theory (tech division) once again demonstrate that form is following function. JL

Alice Truong reports in Quartz:

Huge phones will make up more than half of all mobile devices starting in 2017. (While) large tablets will fall out of favor with consumers, dropping from 9% at the end of 2015 to 3% by the first half of 2017. Big phones are more engaging, without being too unwieldy to carry. Their immense screens give people more real estate to watch videos, play games, and read. People spent 334% more time on phablets in 2015 compared with the year prior.


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