A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jul 10, 2024

Ukraine Troops Survive 2 Month Chasiv Yar Siege On Drone-Dropped Supplies

The soldiers and Marines held out for 70 days near Chasiv Yar, supplied only by drones which dropped ammunition, food and water. 

Eventually, in keeping with the Russian collapse in many other parts of the front, Ukrainian forces broke the Russian encirclement this week and relieved the defenders, JL 

New Voice of Ukraine reports:

Ukrainian defenders from the 225th Assault Brigade and 223rd Marine Battalion endured over two months completely surrounded, repelling continuous waves of Russian assaults in the Chasiv Yar vicinity. Drone operators came to the aid of the besieged Ukrainian troops, commencing air deliveries of ammunition and food supplies. "Our position is secure, the route is unblocked,"

Ukrainian defenders endured over two months completely surrounded, repelling continuous waves of Russian assaults. Journalist Yuriy Butusov detailed the remarkable story of fighters from the 225th Assault Brigade and the 223rd Marine Infantry Battalion on Telegram on July 9.

Russian forces severed all logistical routes, forcing Ukrainian servicemen to maintain their positions for 70 days with minimal supplies and no chance for rotation, Butusov said.

Drone operators came to the aid of the besieged Ukrainian troops, commencing air deliveries of ammunition and food supplies.


"While we worked to clear the way, the fighters maintained a circular defense, repelling attacks from the occupiers around the clock," Butusov reported. "Drones served as our sole supply lifeline, delivering ammunition, food, and water."


Despite injuries and relentless pressure from Russian forces, the Ukrainian fighters managed to hold their ground and were then rotated out at the earliest opportunity.

"Our position is secure, the route is unblocked," Butusov said. "Look at the real heroes among us, doing tough work every day."


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