A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jul 5, 2024

The Russians Remaining In Vovchansk Have Been Backed Into A Trap

The Russians who remain in Vovchansk are trapped. The only question is how long it will be before they are forced to surrender - or die. JL

Decimus reports in Daily Kos:

The Ukrainians have not only pushed the Russians away from the Vovcha river which bisects the city, but have also fortified their defensive lines at critical high and advantageous points. Then there’s the encirclement of the Russian VDV formation in the Aggregate plant(the near rectangular shape at the bottom with the red in the middle).  A break out or break in will require a huge effort which the Ukrainians will see coming from miles off, enabling them to put a painful kibosh on any such move.  It is only a matter of time now … Azovstal in reverse … on the banks of the Vovcha river.
Attribution: Geolocated situation in Vovchansk by Def Mon

That old saw about a picture is worth a thousand words? Take a look at this caption map. It clearly shows the pickle the Russians have gotten themselves into in the city of Vovchansk, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine.  This geolocated map clearly shows that the Ukrainians have not only pushed the Russians away from the Vovcha river which bisects the city, but have also fortified their defensive lines at critical high and advantageous points.

Then there’s the encirclement of the Russian VDV formation in the Aggregate plant(the near rectangular shape at the bottom with the red in the middle).  A break out or break in will require a huge effort which the Ukrainians will see coming from miles off, enabling them to put a painful kibosh on any such move.  It is only a matter of time now … Azovstal in reverse … on the banks of the Vovcha river.  Kudos to Def Mon for this excellent map.


Hopefully when this fiasco of an attack ends, Putin and Russia will have learned to stay the heck out of Kharkiv.  It has not been a good place for them militarily.

Slava Ukraini!!


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