A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jul 10, 2024

Russia's Kharkiv Assault Force Has Suffered 90 Percent Casualty Rate

Two Russian brigades and two regiments on the Kharkiv front have become combat ineffective. And some Ukrainians argue that the Russian casualty rate is actually 91%. JL

Valentyna Romanenko reports in Ukraine Pravda:

Russian forces deployed 10,350 troops for the offensive in Kharkiv Oblast, which commenced two months ago. As of early July, Russian losses included 2,939 soldiers killed in action and 6,509 wounded in action. Additionally, 45 Russian troops have been captured by Ukrainian forces. The Russia's 83rd Air Assault Brigade is suffering significant losses. In addition, the Russians lost most of the 138th Motorised Rifle Brigade in Vovchansk, with their 83rd and 157th Tank Regiments suffering considerable losses. "Estimated Russian losses on our front are approximately 91%," 

Russian forces have deployed 10,350 troops for the offensive in the border areas of Kharkiv Oblast, which commenced two months ago.

Source: Army Inform news outlet, citing Colonel Viktor Solimchuk, Deputy Commander of the Kharkiv Operational Tactical Group (OTP) and its Chief of Staff at a briefing

Details: The colonel reported that, as of early July, Russian losses included 2,939 soldiers killed in action and 6,509 wounded in action. Additionally, 45 Russian troops have been captured by Ukrainian forces.

"Therefore, the estimated enemy losses on our front are approximately 91%," Solimchuk said.

The Russians have lost most of their 138th Motorised Rifle Brigade in the war-torn city of Vovchansk, with their 83rd and 157th Tank Regiments suffering considerable losses.

Russia's 83rd Air Assault Brigade is also constantly suffering losses, sometimes several dozen people a day, which is confirmed by both prisoners of war and radio intercepts, the Ukrainian military said.expand their control zone are failing. We shall continue to crush the occupiers along the entire state border and the war zone, disrupting their aggressive plans."


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