A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jun 21, 2024

Even Sneaking Through Sewer Pipes Isn't Helping Russians Take Chasiv Yar

The Ukrainians were on the ropes. The Russians had the advantage and the momentum. Chasiv Yar was theirs for the taking.but the Kremlin blew it, as they have so often in this war. JL 

David Axe reports in Forbes :

Capturing the lifeless town of Chasiv Yar, once home to 12,000 people, shouldn’t have been difficult for the numerically superior—and more heavily armed—Russian army. But 10 weeks later, the Russian attack has ground to a bloody halt with the Russians having captured maybe a few dozen outlying structures out of several thousand. The defense of Chasiv Yar, led by Ukraine's 41st and 67th Mechanized Brigades, 56th Motorized, 5th Assault, and 241st Territorial Brigade, has defied expectations. Worse for the Russians, a Ukrainian counterattack has pushed them out of Klishchiivka, “resulting in the loss of dozens of vehicles as well as airborne troops,”

On April 4, Russian regiments attacked Chasiv Yar, a Ukrainian stronghold just west of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine. Their goal: to capture or flatten the town and squeeze the main supply lines connecting Ukrainian brigades up and down the eastern front of Russia’s wider war on Ukraine.

Capturing the nearly lifeless town, once home to 12,000 people, shouldn’t have been terribly difficult for the numerically superior—and more heavily armed—Russian army in Ukraine. But 10 weeks later, the Russian attack has ground to a bloody halt with the Russians having captured maybe a few dozen outlying structures out of several thousand in Chasiv Yar.

Worse for the Russians, a Ukrainian counterattack south of Chasiv Yar in recent days has pushed occupying forces out of the village of Klishchiivka, one of the southern anchors of a pincer Russian forces are trying to form in order to surround Chasiv Yar.

The Ukrainian defense of Chasiv Yar, led by the army’s 41st and 67th Mechanized Brigades, 56th Motorized Brigade and 5th Assault Brigade, as well as the 241st Territorial Defense Brigade, has defied expectations. As recently as late May, Ukrainian analysis group Frontelligence Insight predicted Chasiv Yar “will eventually be lost to Russian forces.”

While that could still happen, the trends aren’t looking good for the Russians around Chasiv Yar. Their timing was off.

In early April, Ukrainian brigades were desperately short of ammunition—mostly due to Russia-friendly Republicans in the U.S. Congress blocking further aid to Ukraine starting in October. "Our artillery was silent," a 5th Assault Brigade trooper named Dmytro told Kyiv Independent.

At the same time, the 67th Mechanized Brigade, then defending Chasiv Yar’s most vulnerable district—its canal district on the exposed eastern side of the Donbas Canal—was melting down. Investigators from the defense ministry in Kyiv had identified deep dysfunction in the brigade’s command staff, leading the ministry to dismantle the brigade and then rebuild it—a process that took weeks.

Two months ago, the Ukrainian garrison in Chasiv Yar was weak. Its air defenses were so low on missiles that Russian air force Sukhoi Su-25 attack jets could fly within just a few miles of the town to lob their rockets—something that would have been virtually suicidal for their pilots just a few months earlier. Russian first-person-view drones were thick in the sky.

In the first few weeks of fighting in April, the Russian 1st Army Corps and adjacent units advanced a few miles north and south of Chasiv Yar, ultimately occupying Klishchiivka and Ivanivske. To capture the latter village, the Russians swarmed a Ukrainian company with FPV drones and killed or wounded 80 percent of its 70 soldiers.

But then everything changed. In late April, the Russia-friendly Republicans relented and, on April 24, U.S. Pres. Joe Biden signed into a law $61 billion in fresh aid to Ukraine. Within days, huge consignments of American munitions were on their way to Ukraine.

Soon, the Russians compounded their error. Instead of reinforcing their forces in the east, they launched a possibly symbolic offensive in northern Ukraine on May 10. That’s Victory Day in Russia, the day Russians celebrate the Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II.

Russia’s northern grouping of forces ran headlong into a clutch of Ukrainian mechanized brigades. The northern battleground has since become a deathtrap for Russian infantry.

The fighting in and around Chasiv Yar raged on. But for the first time in weeks, neither side had a major firepower advantage. And the Ukrainians had the natural advantage all defending armies have over attacking armies. They could dig in and wait on Chasiv Yar’s high ground, while the Russians had to leave the relative safety of their own trenches and bunkers and cross low-lying open ground.

The forest around the canal district offers some cover from the ever-present Ukrainian drones. But crossing the canal itself means leaving the forest and dashing across one of the two land bridges spanning the canal.

It’s here at these land bridges that Ukrainian drones and artillery are massacring the attacking Russians. When some Russians sought shelter in lengths of wide water pipes, Ukrainian drones dropped grenades through holes in the pipes.

One June 3 attack was typical. A Russian MT-LB armored tractor managed to speed across the canal north of Chasiv Yar and drop off a squad of infantry. But it was all for nothing. As a Ukrainian surveillance drone watched, Ukrainian FPV drones sliced into the infantry.

The MT-LB abruptly sped away—to the east, deeper into Ukrainian territory, where its chance of survival was virtually nil. “Perhaps the crew got turned around,” speculated John Hardie, an analyst with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington, D.C.

Even if the Russians manage to regroup, capturing Chasiv Yar after suffering potentially thousands of casualties could represent a Pyrrhic victory—that is, a self-defeating win. “The battlefield dynamics show that the assault is already taking a high toll on Russian forces,” Frontelligence Insight noted in May.

This is “resulting in the loss of dozens of vehicles as well as airborne troops,” the group added, “which would be required for Russia to advance further once they capture the town.”


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