A Blog by Jonathan Low


Mar 26, 2024

Ukraine's Presidential Brigade Halts Russians In Forest Remains Near Kremmina

It is still called the Serebrianskii Forest, but not many trees remain. As the picture illustrates, artillery fire has destroyed most of the forest cover, leaving a landscape not too different from the rest of the front line in Ukraine. 

Ukraine's Presidential Brigade has held the sector for several months. As a result of its efforts, threats of Russian advances have receded. The Russians appear more focused on digging in and holding what they have rather than attempting anymore assaults. JL 

Militarnyi reports:

The 1st Presidential Burevii Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine battles with Russians in the Serebrianskii forest. The bulk of the Brigade’s soldiers are battle-hardened, experienced warriors. The tactics of the Russians in this area are different due to the difficulties in assault operations in the wooded area. They are using Storm Z assault units,manned by prisoners. The Russians have suspended large-scale offensives in the sector after failed attacks in December, focusing on artillery barrages. Little remains of the forest from the constant artillery strikes

The soldiers of the 1st Presidential Burevii Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine told about the battles with Russian invaders in the Serebrianskii forest.

The press service of the National Guard of Ukraine reported on this.

The tactics of the Russian soldiers in this area have certain differences due to the difficulties in assault operations in the wooded area. Invaders are actively using Storm Z assault units, which are manned by prisoners.


“The primary task of Russians is to get infantry into the trenches. They are trying to drive through our minefields on armored vehicles at any cost and get infantry into the positions. Mostly it is 2-3 armored vehicles and up to 30 personnel. In the trenches, they continue their assault operations or wait for regular units to approach,” says Konstantyn Vakhramieiev, commander of the Khoryv Battalion.


According to the soldiers, since the beginning of the year, the enemy has suspended large-scale offensives in the sector, focusing on artillery shelling of Ukrainian positions and strengthening its own defenses.

“After our brigade arrived at the line, the enemy tried to break through the defense with massive assault operations. The most massive attack took place on December 25 with the support of tanks, three armored personnel carriers and about a hundred infantrymen. The attack was repelled, after which there were no more active attempts,” says Ihor Trofymenko, deputy brigade commander.

In many parts of the frontline, Russians have switched to positional fighting, using artillery and drones, and are preparing for defense: they are building engineering barriers and mining the front line.


“The enemy controls our movements and transportation, and we control theirs, respectively. In the Serebrianskii forest, the enemy focuses on logistical movements, striking logistical “arteries”. This creates difficulties in the supply of ammunition and personnel,” says Denys Zelenyi, officer of the operational planning section of the Khoryv Battalion.

However, he noted that Russian invaders were not able to block the movement, so the Ukrainian troops continued to reach their positions unhindered.

According to Denys, attempts to influence Ukrainian logistics with artillery remain a key catalyst for constant artillery duels in this area. One of them was even caught on video during the report.

Little remains of the forest from the constant artillery strikes: most of the trees are broken and their branches are covered with a lot of debris.

Денис Зелений, офіцер секції оперативного планування батальйону "Хорив". Фото: пресслужба НГУ.

Speaking about their strengths, the brigade notes that the bulk of Burevii Brigade’s soldiers are battle-hardened, experienced warriors. The brigade actively deploys its aerial reconnaissance units and sniper teams in the area of operations.


Larnstake said...

I find the situation regarding the house of hazards of the National Guard of Ukraine extremely worrying but also inspiring.

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