A Blog by Jonathan Low


Dec 20, 2023

Ukraine Troops Contacted In NY Times Cross Dnipro Hit Piece Accuse "Criminal Manipulations"

A recent New York Times article which called Ukraine's cross-Dnipro offensive a 'suicide mission' after interviews with a few battle-scarred soldiers - harsh even by the chronically negative Times coverage of Ukrainian operations, has come in for severe criticism.

Ukrainian troops who refused to be interviewed because they sensed the reporter's negative bias as well as military experts accused the Times of manipulation for ignoring basic journalistic standards and ethics in failing to present a more comprehensive and strategically informed article. JL 

Quaoar reports in Daily Kos:

"This group of journalists contacted me a few weeks ago. I did not allow them an interview, despite the influence of this publication. I refused to participate in the conversation in order to prevent messages which could be manipulated. With careless statements and your powerful mouthpiece, you influence the fate of an entire people who are fighting for freedom and life." You cannot interview random soldiers and get a clear view of what is going on.
Magyar's video to journalists today is very good. These journalists bring shame to their profession, they show their ignorance, their lack of credibility, and their fundamental lack of education and the most basic understanding of how the world works.
The New York Times, не перспективно так робити.
The New York Times, не перспективно так робити.МАДЯР🇺🇦17.12.23 youtube.com/@MAGYARBIRDShttps://t.me/robert_magyar
You cannot interview random soldiers and get a clear view of what is going on. Anyone with even the tiniest slither of worldly experience knows that. If you go outside and interact with humans on any level at any point in your life you will know that.
Writing bullshit opinion pieces based on those interviews, as if they are some expert eyewitnesses, is idiotic. You have to actually do research. I know, guys, I know that means actually working for more than 2 hours to write your article. Man, imagine doing your fucking job.


I appeal to you, dear NYT journalists. I don’t want to infringe on your right to highlight your position, even if it’s subjective. But this is criminal manipulation in pursuit of sensation and, I apologize, royalties. I am addressing you as the commander of a UAV strike unit, who has been performing combat missions every day since the first day of this operation, and whom the enemy, sparing no expense, personally hunts, just like our crew. Capturing the emotional impressions of military personnel is normal. OK for a Netflix movie. Filming them for a generalized rant about our positions is a shameful and criminal manipulation of conclusions and public opinion. Conclusions about the fallacy of the military plan using the example of human misfortune. Why are you doing this? To explain the inappropriateness of transferring your weapons to us? 90% of the cost of which remains in your country, boosts and strengthens your economy due to the presence of a constant order? Why don’t you comment on the unprecedented losses of the 104th Airborne Division of the Russian Federation on this small piece of land, about which the bunker grandfather said that there were no losses there? An entire division on this small bridgehead, as the enemy's speakers call it! Why aren’t you talking about the declassed 810th Brigade of Russian Marines, which watered hundreds of hectares of land here with its blood? Why don’t you investigate the strange fact of the liquidation of General Robert Madyar, a famous Ukrainian commander, addresses the journalists from the , and at least one follows me in this video [ENG AI generated] He has issues with the sensationalist article published on December 15 entitled "Ukrainian Marines on "Suicide Mission" in Crossing the Dnipro River", in particular with what he calls criminal manipulations.
Zavadsky, the former division commander of the Kantemirovskaya division, who allegedly “was blown up by an enemy mine”? Ukrainian society is very sensitive. Foreign society does not feel this war. Be careful in drawing conclusions, even if they seem very accurate and profitable to you. With your careless statements and your powerful mouthpieces for delivering information, you influence the fate of an entire people who are fighting for freedom and life. 2. I appeal to the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This group of journalists contacted me a few weeks ago. I did not allow myself to give them an interview, despite the influence of this publication. Why? Over a cup of tea with ginger, I heard notes of interest in receiving messages about the feasibility of our fight on the left bank, about the correctness of the command’s decisions. Taking these circumstances into account, I simply refused to participate in the conversation in order to prevent messages from being incompetent and not entrusted to me, which could be manipulated. 3. I am addressing Ukrainians. The number of “friendly” steps that are now emerging one after another has grown catastrophically. Just what I read the night after this NYT article came out takes on crazy proportions. Hungary is blocking aid. Austria is blocking sanctions. Poland is blocking its borders. The US is rocking ahead of the elections. We have enough problems for us to still listen to those thousands of rants. Learn not to be fooled by those Western provocative messages with which they lull their society and abstract themselves from the problem on the NATO border. 4. I appeal to the international community. Nothing extraordinary will happen in your warm Christmas homes this year. You will have cozy family dinners, gifts, skates, skis, calculation of salary bonuses and everything inherent in the holiday program. But I ask you to remember that the problem that our aggressive “neighbor” created will echo back to you - those who call themselves the civilized world. As experience has shown, the flight time for the crap that is now flying across Ukraine is only a few minutes before you.


Anonymous said...

The NYTimes has always been an ultra left wing magazine in lockstep with any group or person that might resemble an infamous Dictator of the Proletariat.

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