A Blog by Jonathan Low


Dec 25, 2023

Russian Media Star Who Called For Ukrainian Genocide Hospitalized After Poisoning

Among other statements, Krasovsky called for the drowning of Ukrainian children. One may assume his poisoning is related to his vile public pronouncements. Especially on Christmas. 

The broader message is, not Russian complicit in the war is safe. Anywhere. JL

Valentyna Romanenko reports in Ukraine Pravda:

Anton Krasovsky, a Russian propagandist from the Russia Today channel and former head of the Russian-language directorate of the pro-Kremlin TV channel RT, who has called for the genocide of Ukrainians and the killing of Ukrainian children, has been taken to hospital, with "food poisoning". "A bad man did bad things, and at Christmas, he got sick." In February 2023, Ukrainian sentenced Krasovsky to 5 years in prison for confiscation of property.

Anton Krasovsky, a Russian propagandist from the Russia Today channel and former head of the Russian-language directorate of the pro-Kremlin TV channel RT, has been taken to hospital, with Ukrainian intelligence saying that the propagandist "got food poisoning".

Source: Krasovsky on Telegram; an Ukrainska Pravda source in intelligence.

Quote from Krasovsky: "At the beginning of the week, my stomach twisted sharply, I started to feel nauseous, then I fainted. I was taken to hospital. I'm gradually coming to my senses."

Details: The UP source noted that the Russian propagandist had got food poisoning. They did not specify who exactly is behind this, nor any other details.

Quote from a source: "A bad man did bad things, and at Christmas, he got sick."


  • Krasovsky has called for the genocide of Ukrainians and the killing of Ukrainian children.
  • In February 2023, Ukrainian sentenced Anton Krasovsky, former presenter and director of propaganda TV channel Russia Today (RT), to 5 years in prison with confiscation of property.


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