A Blog by Jonathan Low


Nov 9, 2023

Russian General Staff Insists Frontline Units Operate In "Compliance" With Falsely Optimistic Maps

A 'culture of lying' within the Russian military has been reported throughout the Ukraine war and to which is attributed not only falsely positive reports about battlefield performance to the Kremlin, and that similar falsifications about staffing and operational readiness may have led to Putin's original authorization for the invasion. 

Recent revelations suggest that the Russian General Staff is now insisting the units in the field operate in compliance with maps produced by the General Staff that are based on falsely optimistic siting of Russian advances and which are causing more deaths and failures such as those at Avdiivka. JL

Leo Chiu reports in the Kyiv Post:

The Russian General Staff have been using maps that differ from the real situation on the front-line, forcing its soldiers to conduct operations based on false depictions, according to first-hand accounts from Russian military on the front line. The General Staff “demands more and more positive reports” with its own assessments portraying much faster progress than reality on the front-line, (insisting) soldiers “catch up” with (these optimistic depictions) with operations having to be planned in “compliance” with the General Staff’s maps. The Study of War (ISW) corroborates these claims, reporting a “culture of lying” within the Russian military,

A Russian milblogger claimed on social media that Russian General Staff have been using maps that differ from the real situation on the front-line forcing its soldiers to conduct operations based on these false depictions, according to first-hand accounts from Russian military on the front line.

Milblogger Roman Alekhine, who describes himself as a “military volunteer” on his Telegram channel, posted an update claiming soldiers informed him of the existing of two versions of Russian battlefield maps – one that corresponds to frontline reality and the other based on the General Staff’s version.

Alekhine said “[...] because there are two maps – one real, which we see and you see, and the other for the General Staff, on which there are completely different layouts.


“So, they are driving the fighters in order to bring the real map closer to the General Staff map,” he added.

He called the approach “unrealistic” as the General Staff “demands more and more positive reports” with its own assessments portraying much faster progress than reality on the front-line forcing soldiers to “catch up” with it.


He described the move as “postscripts and embellishments” and the biggest obstacle to Russian victory.

Another milblogger called “Two Majors” pointed out that while poor coordination between Russian command and frontline troops was not unheard of, it was usually “limited to the battalion/regiment level.” However, this was the first time he had heard about the need for operations having to be planned in “compliance” with the General Staff’s maps.


In his Telegram update, the milblogger also described a typical situation within the Russian military where frontline troops had failed to report their forward movement or withdrawals, which led to false and inaccurate data, ultimately affecting battlefield assessments – a likely reason why the General Staff is producing inaccurate maps.


An earlier Institute for the Study of War (ISW) report from September seems to corroborate these claims. It said false reports signified a “culture of lying” within the Russian military, and milbloggers and ultranationalists in Russia had voiced similar concerns and frustrations before.

Observers and analysts have long pointed out that Russia’s poor logistics and coordination were negatively impacting on its war in Ukraine, which has plagued the Russian military since the offset of the invasion.


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