A Blog by Jonathan Low


Sep 8, 2023

Ukraine Partisans Report "Massive" Decrease In Russian Checkpoints To Melitopol

Russian checkpoints on the main road from the front to Melitopol have been reduced from 18 to 3, suggesting that Russia is running out of troops as it  tries to stem the Ukrainian offensive. 

This gives Ukrainian special forces and partisans more room to wreak havoc and may signal a broader weakening of Russian defenses. JL 

PStyleOne1 reports via Trent Telenko:

Ukrainian partisans continue to report a decrease in the number of Russian checkpoints in the south. "Previously, there were 18 orc checkpoints on the way from Dneprorudny to Melitopol via Mikhailovka. Now there are only 3 left. Looks like they're getting ready to leave." Russia is running out of troops in Southern Ukraine, because you don't remove anti-partisan checkpoints otherwise. This massive reduction in RuAF check points means Ukrainian SoF and partisans have much more freedom of movement.This massive reduction in RuAF check points means Ukrainian SoF and partisans have much more freedom of movement.⬇️

This @PStyle0ne1 post strongly suggests Russia is running out of troops in Southern Ukraine, because you don't remove anti-partisan checkpoints otherwise.
Ukrainian partisans continue to report a decrease in the number of Russian checkpoints in the south "Previously, there were 18 orc checkpoints on the way from Dneprorudny to Melitopol via Mikhailovka. However, now there are only 3 left. At the exit from Dneprorudny, at the exit from Mikhailovka and at the entrance to Melitopol. Check selectively, not all. Apparently tired. Looks like they're getting ready to leave."


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