Chips Off the Old Block: How Computers Are Taking Design Cues From Human Brains
What will those clever humans think of next. JL
Cade Metz reports in the New York Times:
The world’s largest tech companies are taking a cue from
biology as they are rethinking
the nature of computers and are building machines that look more
like the human brain, where a central brain stem oversees the nervous
system and offloads particular tasks. Computer engineers are fashioning more complex systems. Rather than
funneling all tasks through one chip, newer machines
are dividing work into pieces and spreading them among vast farms
of simpler, specialized chips that consume less power. “In
the brain, energy efficiency is the key,” We expect a lot from our computers these days. They should talk to us, recognize everything from faces to flowers, and maybe soon do the driving. All this artificial intelligence requires an enormous amount of computing power, stretching the limits of even the most modern machines. Story continues below
some of the world’s largest tech companies are taking a cue from
biology as they respond to these growing demands. They are rethinking
the very nature of computers and are building machines that look more
like the human brain, where a central brain stem oversees the nervous
system and offloads particular tasks — like hearing and seeing — to the
surrounding cortex.
years of stagnation, the computer is evolving again, and this
behind-the-scenes migration to a new kind of machine will have broad and
lasting implications. It will allow work on artificially intelligent
systems to accelerate, so the dream of machines that can navigate the
physical world by themselves can one day come true.
migration could also diminish the power of Intel, the longtime giant of
chip design and manufacturing, and fundamentally remake the $335 billion a year
semiconductor industry that sits at the heart of all things tech, from
the data centers that drive the internet to your iPhone to the virtual
reality headsets and flying drones of tomorrow.
“This is an enormous
change,” said John Hennessy, the former Stanford University president
who wrote an authoritative book on computer design in the mid-1990s and
is now a member of the board at Alphabet, Google’s parent company. “The
existing approach is out of steam, and people are trying to re-architect
the system.”
existing approach has had a pretty nice run. For about half a century,
computer makers have built systems around a single, do-it-all chip — the
central processing unit — from a company like Intel, one of the world’s
biggest semiconductor makers. That’s what you’ll find in the middle of
your own laptop computer or smartphone.
computer engineers are fashioning more complex systems. Rather than
funneling all tasks through one beefy chip made by Intel, newer machines
are dividing work into tiny pieces and spreading them among vast farms
of simpler, specialized chips that consume less power.
inside Google’s giant data centers are a harbinger of what is to come
for the rest of the industry. Inside most of Google’s servers, there is
still a central processor. But enormous banks of custom-built chips work
alongside them, running the computer algorithms that drive speech
recognition and other forms of artificial intelligence.
reached this point out of necessity. For years, the company had
operated the world’s largest computer network — an empire of data
centers and cables that stretched from California to Finland to
Singapore. But for one Google researcher, it was much too small.
2011, Jeff Dean, one of the company’s most celebrated engineers, led a
research team that explored the idea of neural networks — essentially
computer algorithms that can learn tasks on their own. They could be
useful for a number of things, like recognizing the words spoken into
smartphones or the faces in a photograph.
a matter of months, Mr. Dean and his team built a service that could
recognize spoken words far more accurately than Google’s existing
service. But there was a catch: If the world’s more than one billion
phones that operated on Google’s Android software used the new service
just three minutes a day, Mr. Dean realized, Google would have to double
its data center capacity in order to support it.
need another Google,” Mr. Dean told Urs Hölzle, the Swiss-born computer
scientist who oversaw the company’s data center empire, according to
someone who attended the meeting. So Mr. Dean proposed an alternative:
Google could build its own computer chip just for running this kind of
artificial intelligence.
what began inside data centers is starting to shift other parts of the
tech landscape. Over the next few years, companies like Google, Apple and Samsung
will build phones with specialized A.I. chips. Microsoft is designing
such a chip specifically for an augmented-reality headset. And everyone
from Google to Toyota is building autonomous cars that will need similar chips.
trend toward specialty chips and a new computer architecture could lead
to a “Cambrian explosion” of artificial intelligence, said Gill Pratt,
who was a program manager at Darpa, a research arm of the United States
Department of Defense, and now works on driverless cars at Toyota. As he
sees it, machines that spread computations across vast numbers of tiny,
low-power chips can operate more like the human brain, which
efficiently uses the energy at its disposal.
the brain, energy efficiency is the key,” he said during a recent
interview at Toyota’s new research center in Silicon Valley.
Change on the Horizon
are many kinds of silicon chips. There are chips that store
information. There are chips that perform basic tasks in toys and
televisions. And there are chips that run various processes for
computers, from the supercomputers used to create models for global
warming to personal computers, internet servers and smartphones.
years, the central processing units, or C.P.U.s, that ran PCs and
similar devices were where the money was. And there had not been much
need for change.
In accordance with Moore’s Law,
the oft-quoted maxim from Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, the number of
transistors on a computer chip had doubled every two years or so, and
that provided steadily improved performance for decades. As performance
improved, chips consumed about the same amount of power, according to
another, lesser-known law of chip design called Dennard scaling, named
for the longtime IBM researcher Robert Dennard.
2010, however, doubling the number of transistors was taking much
longer than Moore’s Law predicted. Dennard’s scaling maxim had also been
upended as chip designers ran into the limits of the physical materials
they used to build processors. The result: If a company wanted more
computing power, it could not just upgrade its processors. It needed
more computers, more space and more electricity.
Researchers in industry and academia were working to extend Moore’s Law, exploring entirely new chip materials and design techniques.
But Doug Burger, a researcher at Microsoft, had another idea: Rather
than rely on the steady evolution of the central processor, as the
industry had been doing since the 1960s, why not move some of the load
onto specialized chips?
his Christmas vacation in 2010, Mr. Burger, working with a few other
chip researchers inside Microsoft, began exploring new hardware that
could accelerate the performance of Bing, the company’s internet search engine.
the time, Microsoft was just beginning to improve Bing using
machine-learning algorithms (neural networks are a type of machine
learning) that could improve search results by analyzing the way people
used the service. Though these algorithms were less demanding than the
neural networks that would later remake the internet, existing chips had
trouble keeping up.
Burger and his team explored several options but eventually settled on
something called Field Programmable Gate Arrays, or F.P.G.A.s.: chips
that could be reprogrammed for new jobs on the fly. Microsoft builds
software, like Windows, that runs on an Intel C.P.U. But such software
cannot reprogram the chip, since it is hard-wired to perform only
certain tasks.
an F.P.G.A., Microsoft could change the way the chip works. It could
program the chip to be really good at executing particular machine
learning algorithms. Then, it could reprogram the chip to be really good
at running logic that sends the millions and millions of data packets
across its computer network. It was the same chip but it behaved in a
different way.
started to install the chips en masse in 2015. Now, just about every
new server loaded into a Microsoft data center includes one of these
programmable chips. They help choose the results when you search Bing,
and they help Azure, Microsoft’s cloud-computing service, shuttle
information across its network of underlying machines.
Teaching Computers to Listen
fall 2016, another team of Microsoft researchers — mirroring the work
done by Jeff Dean at Google — built a neural network that could, by one
measure at least, recognize spoken words more accurately than the
average human could.
Huang, a speech-recognition specialist who was born in China, led the
effort, and shortly after the team published a paper describing its
work, he had dinner in the hills above Palo Alto, Calif., with his old
friend Jen-Hsun Huang,
(no relation), the chief executive of the chipmaker Nvidia. The men had
reason to celebrate, and they toasted with a bottle of champagne.
Dean, one of Google’s most celebrated engineers, said the company
should develop a chip for running a type of artificial intelligence;
right, Google’s Tensor Processing Unit, or T.P.U.Credit Ryan Young for The New York Times
Xuedong Huang and his fellow Microsoft researchers had trained their
service using large numbers of specialty chips supplied by Nvidia,
rather than relying heavily on ordinary Intel chips. Their breakthrough
would not have been possible had they not made that change.
closed the gap with humans in about a year,” Microsoft’s Mr. Huang
said. “If we didn’t have the weapon — the infrastructure — it would have
taken at least five years.”
systems that rely on neural networks can learn largely on their own,
they can evolve more quickly than traditional services. They are not as
reliant on engineers writing endless lines of code that explain how they
should behave.
there is a wrinkle: Training neural networks this way requires
extensive trial and error. To create one that is able to recognize words
as well as a human can, researchers must train it repeatedly, tweaking
the algorithms and improving the training data over and over. At any
given time, this process unfolds over hundreds of algorithms. That
requires enormous computing power, and if companies like Microsoft use
standard-issue chips to do it, the process takes far too long because
the chips cannot handle the load and too much electrical power is
the leading internet companies are now training their neural networks
with help from another type of chip called a graphics processing unit,
or G.P.U. These low-power chips — usually made by Nvidia — were
originally designed to render images for games and other software, and
they worked hand-in-hand with the chip — usually made by Intel — at the
center of a computer. G.P.U.s can process the math required by neural
networks far more efficiently than C.P.U.s.
Nvidia is thriving as a
result, and it is now selling large numbers of G.P.U.s to the internet
giants of the United States and the biggest online companies around the
world, in China most notably. The company’s quarterly revenue from data
center sales tripled to $409 million over the past year.
“This is a little like being right there at the beginning of the internet,” Jen-Hsun Huang said in a recent interview. In other words, the tech landscape is changing rapidly, and Nvidia is at the heart of that change.
Creating Specialized Chips
are the primary vehicles that companies use to teach their neural
networks a particular task, but that is only part of the process. Once a
neural network is trained for a task, it must perform it, and that
requires a different kind of computing power.
training a speech-recognition algorithm, for example, Microsoft offers
it up as an online service, and it actually starts identifying commands
that people speak into their smartphones. G.P.U.s are not quite as
efficient during this stage of the process. So, many companies are now
building chips specifically to do what the other chips have learned.
Google built its own specialty chip, a Tensor Processing Unit, or T.P.U. Nvidia is building a similar chip. And Microsoft
has reprogrammed specialized chips from Altera, which was acquired by Intel, so that it too can run neural networks more easily.
companies are following suit. Qualcomm, which specializes in chips for
smartphones, and a number of start-ups are also working on A.I. chips,
hoping to grab their piece of the rapidly expanding market. The tech
research firm IDC predicts that revenue from servers equipped with
alternative chips will reach $6.8 billion by 2021, about 10 percent of
the overall server market.
Microsoft’s global network of machines, Mr. Burger pointed out,
alternative chips are still a relatively modest part of the operation.
And Bart Sano, the vice president of engineering who leads hardware and
software development for Google’s network, said much the same about the
chips deployed at its data centers.
Mayberry, who leads Intel Labs, played down the shift toward
alternative processors, perhaps because Intel controls more than 90
percent of the data-center market, making it by far the largest seller
of traditional chips. He said that if central processors were modified
the right way, they could handle new tasks without added help.
this new breed of silicon is spreading rapidly, and Intel is
increasingly a company in conflict with itself. It is in some ways
denying that the market is changing, but nonetheless shifting its
business to keep up with the change.
years ago, Intel spent $16.7 billion to acquire Altera, which builds
the programmable chips that Microsoft uses. It was Intel’s largest
acquisition ever. Last year, the company paid a reported $408 million
buying Nervana, a company that was exploring a chip just for executing
neural networks. Now, led by the Nervana team, Intel is developing a
dedicated chip for training and executing neural networks.
have the traditional big-company problem,” said Bill Coughran, a
partner at the Silicon Valley venture capital firm Sequoia Capital who
spent nearly a decade helping to oversee Google’s online infrastructure,
referring to Intel. “They need to figure out how to move into the new
and growing areas without damaging their traditional business.”
internal conflict is most apparent when company officials discuss the
decline of Moore’s Law. During a recent interview with The New York
Times, Naveen Rao, the Nervana founder and now an Intel executive, said
Intel could squeeze “a few more years” out of Moore’s Law. Officially,
the company’s position is that improvements in traditional chips will
continue well into the next decade.
Mayberry of Intel also argued that the use of additional chips was not
new. In the past, he said, computer makers used separate chips for tasks
like processing audio.
now the scope of the trend is significantly larger. And it is changing
the market in new ways. Intel is competing not only with chipmakers like
Nvidia and Qualcomm, but also with companies like Google and Microsoft.
is designing the second generation of its T.P.U. chips. Later this
year, the company said, any business or developer that is a customer of
its cloud-computing service will be able to use the new chips to run its
this shift is happening mostly inside the massive data centers that
underpin the internet, it is probably a matter of time before it
permeates the broader industry.
hope is that this new breed of mobile chip can help devices handle
more, and more complex, tasks on their own, without calling back to
data centers: phones recognizing spoken commands without accessing the
internet; driverless cars recognizing the world around them with a speed
and accuracy that is not possible now.
In other words, a driverless car needs cameras and radar and lasers. But it also needs a brain
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