A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jan 22, 2017

How Giving Robots Personhood Could Make Creators and Users Accountable

The issue of responsibility is increasingly rising in tandem with that of opportunity. A trend that the tech community and those who use its products may find unsettling - and potentially expensive. JL

James Vincent reports in The Verge:

The European Union is considering autonomous bots be granted the status of “electronic persons” — a legal definition that confers “rights and obligations.” The question is: if something goes wrong with an autonomous system, who do we blame? And how are they held accountable under current legal systems? Making robots into “electronic persons” might actually help with these problems.
The European Union is currently considering the need to redefine the legal status of robots, with a draft report last week suggesting that autonomous bots might, in the future, be granted the status of “electronic persons” — a legal definition that confers certain “rights and obligations.” It sounds like science fiction and that’s because it is: any engineer will tell you we’re a long way from seeing robot marches for civil rights. So what’s going on here?


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