that produces results or I won't be able to lead."

4. The one with the influence

Millennials are really into influence. If you have the smartest ideas, the greatest ability to encourage others, the most creative solutions, and the strongest aversion to risk, you will be granted the role of leader. It's no longer because you have the role, or even because you have the strongest personality or even write the checks (although that will always help). It's because you have the most influence.

5. The one who demonstrates how to be productive

The best leaders dive right into the details. They demonstrate how to get the job done; they don't just tell you to get the job done. Millennials are particularly sensitive to this topic, because they know how easy it is to just act busy in the office, somewhat from personal experience. Yet because of technology and a 24/7 mentality about work (you can't hide from social media or a smartphone anymore), a leader can't just disappear for hours and expect everyone else to work hard. I wrote about this recently: Leaders have to take the time to lead, and that means actually being in the office and dealing with problems. A leader has to be present.