A Blog by Jonathan Low


Oct 1, 2015

Dutch Authorities Call Uber 'A Criminal Organization;' Or, It's a Great Time To Be an Uber Lawyer

For those keeping score at home, Uber's Dutch offices have now been raided four times. The mayor of Rio de Janeiro has signed legislation outlawing the company's services, Australia is examining the company's violation of regulations and in Greater London, new regs would effectively end its ability to provide services there.

On the bright side, a Parisian judge has postponed the trial of Uber executives accused of criminal violations of French law.

Gotta take the good with the bad, but whatever you do, keep on billing! JL

Slashdot reports:

Uber's lawyers must be incredibly busy.
Uber offices in Amsterdam have been raided by Dutch authorities, as reported by several local media sources (Google translation of original in Dutch). This follows intimidatory deterrence practices earlier in The Netherlands, with Uber drivers being fined in the past months, and fresh allegations that the company would act as a "criminal organization" by offering a platform for taxi rides without license (read: without the authorities earning money from the practice). Time for tech companies to consider moving their European offices elsewhere?
Uber's lawyers must be incredibly busy. Proposed regulations in London would effectively end the company's service there, while the mayor of Rio de Janeiro said he would ban Uber's operations outright. They're receiving mixed messages from Australia — just a day after running afoul of regulations in New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory is moving to legalize it.


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