A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jun 12, 2015

Snoop Dogg Has Volunteered to Become CEO of Twitter

Hahaha. Very funny, right? Isn't that what most people you know are thinking?

Yeah, what possible benefits could a wealthy, tech-savvy, successful, global celebrity bring to a disappointing social media brand...JL

Marcus Wohlsen reports in Wired:

For more than two decades, Snoop has shown an uncanny ability to surf the ever-sloshing currents of media and entertainment to stay popular and relevant. @SnoopDogg Joint venture? If you know what I'm saying
Investors are assailing Twitter for not living up to its full potential—so much so that CEO Dick Costolo stepped down yesterday. But at least some power users are out there reminding us just how uniquely awesome Twitter can be.
Case in point: shortly after Costolo tweeted the news of his resignation and the appointment of Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey as interim CEO, one savvy entrepreneur stepped up to volunteer for the full-time job:
The idea isn’t as crazy as it sounds. For more than two decades, Snoop has shown an uncanny ability to surf the ever-sloshing currents of media and entertainment to stay popular and relevant. More recently, he’s become a presence on the tech scene as an investor (when he’s not performing for a roomful of accidental billionaires).
At least one Silicon Valley CEO was convinced. Anyone who follows the tech industry knows that Aaron Levie, chief executive of cloud-storage provider Box, wins Twitter on a regular basis. His response to Snoop was no exception, and the rest of the conversation was 140-character perfection.

Twitter may not ever figure out how to make enough money off of this kind of wonderfulness to satisfy Wall Street. But that’s a question for the next episode.


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