A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jan 16, 2015

How Apple Will Sell The Watch

At some point it is no longer about the product, per se, but about the brand. And key to that brand equity is trust.

Consumers have come to trust that Apple will deliver both the tangible and intangible: the tangible being a quality product that functions at a level generally beyond their expectations.

The intangible is in the design, but also in the surprising and mysterious experience that the product delivers when the buyer begins to experiment with it and then figure out how to use it as part of their daily existence.

Apple builds this trust by making the products available to touch and play with in its stores, but the fundamental relationship was established long before the customer ever thought about whether they needed a watch or a tablet or a smartphone or an iPod. It grew out of the company's ability to convince the consumer of the causal connection between innovation and value. JL

Neil Cybart comments in Above Avalon:

For Apple, the hardest part won’t be telling people why they should use the device, but rather getting people to use the device. In reality it comes down to trust.
Many people are overthinking Apple Watch. For Apple, the hardest part won’t be telling people why they should use the device, but rather getting people to use the device. There is a subtle difference.
One of Apple’s secret weapons for selling Apple Watch will be its retail stores and the ability to see and touch the device. Trying to appeal to a potential customer’s wants and desires begins by positioning the product so that they simply want to use it. While Apple certainly will rely on a more complicated marketing message that positions certain use cases over others, I don’t think that message will be the thing that sells Apple Watch. Apple’s goal is merely to get a potential customer to want to use the device.  Only after the Apple Watch purchase does a revolutionary user interface and a few well thought-out features, shown through marketing, help nurture a user's relationship with Apple Watch.
Why people will buy an Apple Watch:
  1. It’s a cool watch. The Apple Watch is a watch with a customizable digital face and a selection of interchangeable bands.
  2. It looks nice. The Apple Watch has a clean, fresh, design that strikes a balance between luxury and technology.
  3. It’s made by Apple. The Apple Watch is designed in California by the same company that is responsible for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
Over the past few months, I’ve learned to change the way I explain Apple Watch to friends and family. Instead of starting out with a list of reasons why they may enjoy an Apple Watch, I now begin with a pretty simply explanation: Apple is making a watch with customizable faces and bands. I then let that person respond, and depending on their answer, I mention how Apple Watch can serve as a communication device, a health and fitness tracker, or a mobile payment facilitator.  As a result, I now get a much more open response from people that want to see and learn more about Apple Watch. That is how Apple will sell Apple Watch.
We recently saw this play out with iPad and competing tablets, where Apple’s strength was having iPads available to play with in its retail stores. Meanwhile, competitors used advertisements to push all of the features their product had that the iPad lacked. In the end, people picked iPad.
There has been a tendency to mock people that want to buy products simply because a certain company makes them. Some will say this type of buyer is being guided by marketing, or is just a follower, but in reality it comes down to trust. Many people trust Apple. It is this very important connection with users that will likely get people to at least try the Apple Watch, and for Apple that is the best outcome they can wish for. 


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