A Blog by Jonathan Low


Mar 16, 2013

Science Proves Public Mobile Phone Conversations Are Annoying and Distracting

There is a reason why having to listen to other people's inane mobile conversations makes it hard to concentrate - and not infrequently leads to violence.

According to the research, the answer as to why mobiles are so uniquely annoying is a classically human one: because we can only hear one side of the conversation, we have to use more concentration and brain power to try to interpret what is being said by the other party. It is our innately human desire to reduce uncertainty.

The additional attention required, the lack of control inherent in a dialogue to which we are only surreptitiously privy and the fact that we humans find discourse we are not directing so disorienting - as well as the extra loud voice in which people conduct such conversations because they assume they can not be heard well, all contribute to the difficulties encountered in sharing space with anyone so engaged.

The fact that the content of the conversation may be insufferably petty, gross or idiotic only adds to the annoyance factor. Understanding that there is a scientific basis for your rising anger may not make the experience any more pleasant but at least it makes your desire to stuff the device down the speaker's throat much less guilt-inducing. JL

Alice Walton reports in Forbes:

The study shows what we already knew instinctively – that cell phones are attention-grabbing in ways that are probably no good. “This is the first study to use a realistic situation to show that overhearing a cell phone conversation is a uniquely intrusive and memorable event,”

If you find yourself irresistibly sucked into other people’s cell phone conversations, don’t beat yourself up too much. There’s a perfectly scientific explanation for your eavesdropping ways. A new study out in the journal PLOS ONE finds that when people are trying to mind their own business and complete a cognitive task, overhearing a cell phone conversation (by accident, of course) can steal away your attention much more than being witness to an old-fashioned, two-sided conversation.
To test the effects of cell phone vs. actual conversations on our distractibility, researchers at the University of San Diego had people work on a task in which they had to try to solve 30 simple or challenging anagrams (for example, ehuos= house). While they were completing their tasks, actors – or “confederates” of the study – had a staged conversation, either on a cell phone (one-sided) or in person (two-sided). The conversations involved planning a party, shopping for furniture, or meeting a date at the mall. The unsuspecting participants were told that the study was about their problem-solving capacities; they didn’t know that their ability or inability to ignore the conversations was the actual thrust.

To see what was going on, the team measured how well the participants did on their anagram tests, how well they recalled the subject matter in the staged conversations (that they weren’t supposed to be listening to), and how they rated their experience while trying to execute their tasks.
As you’d guess, people were much better at recalling the content of the cell phone conversations than the live conversations – meaning that they must have, for whatever reason, listened a bit more closely to the cell phone exchanges than the live ones.
There are a few explanations for this phenomenon. One is that since we don’t know what’s happening on the other side of the conversation, it takes some additional brain-power to figure it out. And because we just have to know what’s going on, we just have to devote a little extra attention to the conversation, which requires some extra guesswork and concentration. Rosa Vessal, an undergraduate student who helped carry out the research, says that “unintentional eavesdropping on cell phone calls may be because the content of the conversation is unpredictable. Not knowing where the conversation is heading is what makes cell phone calls more distracting.”
Participants in the study also perceived the cell phone conversations as being more annoying and distracting than the two-sided ones. This may be because we get uncomfortable and anxious when we lack control of a situation, says lead researcher Veronica Galván. “Bystanders who are exposed to these personal conversations may not have much control, thereby increasing their levels of annoyance and frustration. Research has shown that bystanders in situations where they are not free to leave (for example, waiting for or using public transportation) often find cell phone conversations annoying.”
And there’s one more reason that cell phone conversations are attention-grabbing, says Galván: People tend to reveal oddly personal information on these calls, which against the backdrop of a public or professional setting, is especially hard to ignore. Before the birth of cell phones, people might reserve delicate subjects for home phone calls, or at least lower their voices if discussing them in public – but no more.
What the relevance of the study is to our everyday lives isn’t totally clear beyond the cell-phones-are-annoying factor – but Galván says that people who are trying to work in environments in which they are privy to other people’s loud cell phone conversations could find themselves distracted to the point of reduced productivity. Office workers have always had to contend with phone calls at the next cubicle, but there’s something fundamentally different, and more distracting, apparently, about cell phones.
Galván believes that “a person’s performance might be greater in an environment with fewer one-sided conversations. In some situations, this is not feasible…or impractical to implement, because some work places are inherently noisy.” But making no cell phone rules in offices might have a positive effect on productivity.
The study didn’t find any difference in how well the participants actually performed on their anagram tests, but it may well be that other kinds of work, which required different kinds of attention involving more drawn out concentration (perhaps a writing project), might be affected differently.
So if you must talk on your phone, have a heart and go outside. And if you must reveal the results of your latest pap smear, just remember that cell phones are much better instruments than they were a decade ago – so shouting into them is no longer a necessity.


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