A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jun 9, 2012

The Mouse That Roared: Disney to Ban Junk Food Ads From Its TV, Radio and Websites

As fascinating as the public announcement was, it would be really interesting to see the analysis that led to it.

We can imagine toting up the value of advertisements, product placements and so forth. Then cross-tabbing with consumer research on trends in food purchases and consumption, attitudes about healthful eating, particularly for kids and, especially, changing parental awareness about the threat of childhood obesity.

The research may well have led to the conclusion that the reputational good-will earned - and the financial benefits of potential future purchases of Disney products - must outweigh the value of current and future advertising from foods no longer deemed by Disney to meet its nutritional standards. Given the criticism Pepsi has endured for attempting to sell healthier snacks and drinks as well as the potential for lost revenue at Disney, we can also imagine that this decision was hotly debated and not universally popular within the company's executive ranks.

Understanding that nutritional standards may be open to interpretation, a well-run company acutely conscious of its public image would recognize that journalists and health advocates will be combing the records to look for 'exceptions,'anomalies, hypocrisy and back-sliding. Which is to say, Disney must have some compelling data and some good brand-related research that leads the company to believe that this is not just the right thing to do, but the smart thing to do.

Strong executives sometimes to something because they believe in their gut that it makes sense. Disney may or may not be more data-driven than that, but either way, this was a good example of executive leadership. JL

The Associated Press reports in the Los Angeles Times:
Disney says its programming will no longer be sponsored by junk food.

The Walt Disney Co. said Tuesday that it will become the first major media company to ban such ads for its TV channels, radio stations and websites intended for children. That means kids watching Saturday morning kids' shows on the company's ABC network will no longer see ads for fast foods and sugary cereals that don't meet Disney's nutrition standards. The guidelines won't go into effect until 2015 because of existing advertising agreements.

First Lady Michelle Obama called the announcement a “game changer” in a statement.

“With this new initiative, Disney is doing what no major media company has ever done before in the U.S. — and what I hope every company will do going forward,” Obama said.

Disney sais its guidelines are aligned with federal standards to promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables and reduce the intake of sodium, sugar and saturated fat.

The company also introduced its “Mickey Check” seal of approval for nutritious foods sold in stores, online and at its parks and resorts.

“The emotional connection kids have to our characters and stories gives us a unique opportunity to continue to inspire and encourage them to lead healthier lives,” Disney CEO Robert Iger said in a statement.

Public health and childhood obesity experts cautioned that the effectiveness of any ban will be in how junk food is defined by the company. Previous attempts by the food industry to regulate marketing to children have been criticized as being too generous in which products were allowed.

But Aviva Must, chairwoman of the Department of Public Health and Community Medicine at Tufts School of Medicine, said Disney could succeed where government thus far has made little progress.

“There seems to be limited taste for government regulation,” said Must, who has studied childhood obesity for decades. “So I think a large company like Disney taking a stand and putting in a policy with teeth is a good step.”

Studies have long established a direct link between junk-food advertisements on television and childhood obesity, and a legitimate ban could have far-reaching public health effects, said Dr. David Ludwig, director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital.

“Elimination of junk-food advertisements will not make television viewing a physically healthy activity,” he said. “But elimination of advertisements will substantially reduce the harm of television viewing in childhood.”


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