A Blog by Jonathan Low


Dec 11, 2011

Why Are There No Successful Innovation Initiatives?

When we think about innovation, we tend to think about technology, especially the shiny gadgets that do amazing things while enriching their inventors. What we fail to think about is the culture in which innovation is nurtured and the processes by which it is brought to life.

Corporations can sometimes have a tendency to treat innovation like a 'plug and play' program. But it just doesnt work that way. And if how it does work were clear - or easily replicable - we would not only be talking about Apple all the time.

One of the issues is that a certain amount of innovation fatigue has crept in to global management thinking. One might even call it innovation skepticism. Every company believes it is innovative - or claims to be - and every new product, service or change in procedures is similarly annointed. The harsh reality is that innovation is frequently episodic, idiosyncratic and elusive. There are examples of companies that successfully encourage innovation, but the initiative begins with hiring, compensation incentives, employee-management commitment and a host of other factors that have less to do with equations than with people. JL

Steve Denning reports in Forbes:
Just the other day, a colleague asked me whether I could suggest some examples of organizations that have been successful with “innovation initiatives” in a commercial setting? He said that he had a CEO who wanted to launch an “innovation initiative” that would provide a laboratory for experiments in-house, so that his firm could become known as an idea factory in their sector.

I replied that I didn’t know of any “innovation initiative” that was ultimately successful on a sustained basis. That’s because if an organization is looking at innovation as “an initiative”, and it introduces that initiative into a culture that doesn’t support innovation, then the culture will sooner or later crush the initiative—usually sooner.
So you can have temporary “successes” as “initiatives” with a lot of flag waving and hoopla ceremonies and celebrations of victories, but they don’t last.

If the firm wants innovation, which they should, since innovation is an essential ingredient for survival in today’s marketplace, then they need to ask themselves why are they thinking of an innovation as “initiative”. They need to look more deeply at how the organization is being run and think through what would be needed to make innovation a central part of the organization’s culture.

The three phases of the 20th Century organization
In the 20th Century, organizations tended to go through three phases, as sketched by f Robert X. Cringely’s Accidental Empires, by analogy with a military operation.

•In the first phase, you had startups run by commandos. They were unpredictable and uncontrollable yet remarkably productive. They worked hard and fast. They succeeded with surprise and teamwork, establishing a beachhead before the enemy is even aware they exist. They pushed the state of the art, ideally providing creative solutions to customer needs and making existing products irrelevant. However most startups fail because they don’t meet customer needs. Sometimes the product was close to meeting customer needs but it wasn’t ideal and had bugs or even major failings that need more work. However commandos were useless of this type of work: they got bored.
•In the second phase, the infantry moved in, i.e. the obedient workers who followed orders and methodically grew a company from its IPO to market dominance. They exploited the opportunity created by the commandos. They took the prototype, tested it, refined it, made it manufacturable, wrote the manuals, marketed it and ideally produced a profit. This work was governed by rules and procedures—all the stuff that commandos hated. While the commandos make success possible, the infantry makes success happen.
•In the third phase, the firm was run by police: the bureaucrats and middle managers who defend the entrenched position of an established market leader. The third phase was an occupying force intent on holding territory. A middle manager’s job was to say no to ideas that don’t originate from on high, preferably near the CEO, or which don’t improve the bottom line for the quarter.
In the 20th Century, “management” was seen as the set of bureaucratic practices designed to run the second and third phases. Management comprised hierarchy, command-and-control, tightly planned work, competition through economies of scale and cost reduction, impersonal top-down communications, all focused on making money for the shareholders.

These management practices were seen as timeless truths of the universe, so obvious that there was scarcely any need to articulate them, let alone re-examine them. They are still pervasive in large organizations, business schools and management textbooks. John Sculley tried to run Apple [AAPL] as a third-wave organization. Most big old mastodons today like GE [GE] or Walmart [WMT] are still third-wave organizations.

This way of managing systematically kills innovative activities in organizations. The phenomenon can be observed in:

knowledge management

lean manufacturing



even innovation itself

It isn’t just one or area. It’s every area. It isn’t just one organization. It is most of the big organizations.

How traditional management kills innovation
So when you launch an “innovation initiative” into a 20th Century third-wave organization which is still being run by “the police”, you can recruit some commandos for an “innovation initiative” and they may have some interim successes, but “the police” are everywhere. They may bide their time, while the CEO is all gung-ho about the new initiative, but eventually something happens. This gives the police the pretext to close the initiative down. After all, it was just an initiative.

A naïve newcomer might imagine that management might do this by formally announcing that it is killing the initiative. Nothing of the sort! After all, even the police wouldn’t be able to get away with announcements like:

“We are opposed to innovation”

“We don’t believe in marketing.”

“We think teams are for the birds.”

“We don’t need knowledge management.”

Such clumsy declarations would be a blot on the career of any upwardly-mobile manager. Instead, management executes the initiative in subtler ways.

1.Declare victory
Management announces: “The activity has been so successful… The unit responsible isn’t needed….“The values have already been internalized… Congratulations! You’re done!” This is what happened to the knowledge management unit at BP [BP] during the merger with Amoco in 1998.

2. Suck the blood from it
Management embraces and coopts the words of the new initiative, but ignores the substance. It adopts the activity by name. But implementation is a caricature: hierarchical and bureaucratic.

For instance, the flight crews of an airline like the United Airlines [UAL] described in Richard Hackman’s book, Leading Teams, are called teams, but in fact are tightly programmed: every action is prescribed in advance and leaves little room for initiative on the part of individual “team” member. To call those crews “teams” is to make a mockery of real teams. There is none of the trust in the initiative or creativity of the team to deal with the situation at hand that is apparent in the Southwest Airlines [LUV] flight crews.

Similarly, many of the implementations of Lean manufuacturing were travesties of what Toyota [TM] had pioneered: they took the cost cutting aspects of Lean but eliminated the respect for people which Toyota saw as crucial. Jeffery Liker wrote in 2003: “What percent of companies outside of Toyota and their close knit group of suppliers get an A or even a B+ on Lean? I cannot say precisely but it is far less than 1%”: The Toyota Way p.10.

The special bonus of this tactic is that the relevant initiative is forever discredited within the organization.

4. Nickle and dime it to death
Alternatively, what the police do is to kill the innovation by endless budget revisions, heavy reporting burdens, multiple progress reviews and evaluations, frequent changes in the desired features or specifications or intensive second-guessing of those doing the work. If asked, the police will deny that they killing the initiative by a thousand tiny cuts. Instead, they will say, correctly, that they are smothering it with love!

5. Benign neglect
The opposite tack is to starve the activity of money, people, prominence or career. It becomes clear that this career path is a death march. With luck, the activity will die a nature death without any manager ever having to do anything. The commandos give up and leave. Which is just terrific for the managers: no fingerprints!

6. “We tried it but it didn’t work”
When all else fails, when despite an extended period of benign neglect and sucking the blood from the initiative, some tenacious commando somehow keeps the flame of it alive, the management declares sadly one day: “It cost too much” or “It didn’t meet objectives” or “It was a bad strategic fit” or “Unfortunately it wasn’t right for us”.

Why do managers act this way?
The managers doing these things are intelligent educated people. Why are they acting in this strange way? It’s because they are walking around with a mental model of 20th Century management in their heads in which the goal is making money for the shareholders and meeting the quarterly numbers, principally by gains in efficiency and cost-cutting.

How else could a firm magically make its numbers each quarter, equaling or just beating analysts’ estimates? Adding value at the last minute would be too difficult. So the obvious way solution is to find ways to cut costs. Given the urgency of the task—the end of the quarter is fast approaching—the cuts can be sudden and delivered without advance warning. Big innovative initiatives that might add long-term value for customers but which won’t show benefits for some time are the inevitable targets of the knife.

None of this mattered very much for most of the 20th Century because large oligopolies were in charge of the marketplace and customers could be largely taken for granted. With the shift in power in the marketplace from seller to buyer, this way of running companies has become defunct. The rate of return on assets and on invested capital is a quarter of what it was in 1965. The life expectancy of firms in the Fortune 500 is down from 75 year half a century ago to less than 15 years. Only one in five workers is fully engaged in his or her work.

There is another way
What’s interesting is that Steve Jobs lived long enough to show us at Apple [AAPL], in the period 1997-2011: what would happen if the firm opted to make innovation the central goal of the organization. The result? Apple made tons and tons of money. In fact, much more money than the companies that are pursuing 20th Century management and focused on making money. Other companies like Amazon [AMZN], Salesforce [CRM] and Intuit [INTU] have demonstrated the same phenomenon and shown us that it’s something that any firm can learn. It’s not rocket science. It’s called radical management.


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