A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jul 16, 2011

US Congress Votes to Block Light Bulb Efficiency, Citing Personal Freedom

The flag. The Statue of Liberty. The handgun. The 100 watt light bulb?

The list of iconic personal freedoms got a little longer this week when the US Congress voted to overturn a law signed four years ago by then President Bush establishing a light bulb efficiency standard. Apparently that was then.

Ryan Tracy reports in the Wall Street Journal:
The U.S. House voted Friday to block a federal standard that would push many less-efficient light bulbs off the market starting in 2012. The measure, attached to a broader bill on energy spending, could prevent the Energy Department from implementing the efficiency standards during the budget year that begins in October. It will now be part of final negotiations between House and Senate lawmakers charged with negotiating a final energy spending bill. It faces resistance in the Democrat-controlled Senate, and the White House, which supports the efficiency standards, opposes the measure.

The clash over light bulbs has stoked anger among a swath of conservatives who argue that the government should not have a hand in what light bulbs Americans can buy. Manufacturers oppose repealing the standard, saying they have made investments in preparation for it to take effect
The House approved that amendment by a voice vote Friday and the larger energy bill passed the House on a partisan 219-196, with 10 Democrats in support.

The standards do not ban the traditional incandescent bulb, but they would prevent manufacturers from making less efficient models for sale in the U.S. They were part of a 2007 law signed by President George W. Bush and supported by many Republicans. But Republicans now want to walk it back.

"This is about the consumer driving the market, not the federal government deciding the market," said Rep. Michael Burgess (R., Texas), who opposed the standards in 2007 and introduced the provision that the House approved on Thursday.

Supporters say the more efficient bulbs help save electricity, cutting pollution from power plants. Consumers Union, which publishes Consumer Reports, estimated in March that consumers would pay about $1.25 extra for a new incandescent bulb that meets the standard, but make up that cost on electric bills in about six months, assuming the bulb was used for two hours per day.

Republicans tried to repeal the standard altogether earlier this week, but that bill failed to gain the two-thirds support needed for passage. The issue got new life Thursday when Burgess added an amendment to a 2012 spending bill that would prevent the Energy Department from implementing or enforcing the standards.

In an interview Friday, Burgess said including the standard in the budget negotiations was an important step. "My job now on the amendment is to make sure that it survives," he said.

Proponents of the standard will be lobbying lawmakers as well. "It's up to the Senate to see the light and remove this anti-consumer, pro-pollution amendment that would block enforcement of modern efficiency standards," said Daniel Weiss, director of climate strategy at the Center for American Progress.


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