A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jul 28, 2011

Tampa Man Pleads Guilty To Selling Military Drone on eBay

We all have the same question: what was he thinking? That no one would notice? That only legitimate buyers would show interest? And representing a Russian seller. Now that was a clever idea to throw those nosy feds off his trail!

And you gotta hand it to the agents who reeled him in. Using Paypal! Makes you wonder what else they bought with that account. Exploding Pez dispensers? JL

Robert Johnson reports in Business Insider:
Henson Chua plead guilty in U.S. District court in Tampa today on charges of illegal arms sales and smuggling. According to Tampa bay Online, Chua was in Manila when he listed a three-foot long military Raven drone on eBay with an asking price of $13,000.

The sale was noticed by Special Operations Command (SOC) at MacDill Air Force Base, who tracked the drone to their arsenal through a partially visible bar code. Federal agents paid for the plane using PayPal and discovered Chua was representing an unidentified Russian seller.

He faces up to 20 years in prison.


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