A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jul 21, 2011

Latest Poll Results: Voters Down on Congress, Murdoch; Think God Did Pretty Good Job Creating the Universe. Truth.

Polling voters about God? Really? Ask me and I will send you the press release. The company, Public Policy Polling, is based in North Carolina so they have some legit God Cred, being from down there in the South and all.

But here's where it gets really interesting. Voters approve of God's performance by a 52-9 margin (I cant believe I am writing this), though those pouty, whiney younger voters think he/she has work to do on natural disasters. Meanwhile, voters disapprove of Rupert Murdoch by a 12-49 margin. The difference in those numbers is statistically insignificant. That means Rupert Murdoch is the di-rect inverse of God which must mean...he is the devil! QED. What would we do without data? JL

Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling: Press Release (hat tip Catherine Rampell):
Amid heated negotiations over raising the debt ceiling, Americans are
prepared to be more lenient in their evaluations of Congress; nevertheless, a majority still disapproves. Though Congress is hardly popular, it can take solace in that voters like Rupert Murdoch a whole lot less. With a phone hacking scandal engulfing News Corp, voters don’t appear to consider Murdoch an innocent party. Only 12% of voters hold a favorable oppinion of Murdoch compared to 49% who view him unfavorably. Unsurprisingly, those who identify as very liberal see Murdoch unfavorably, giving him a 9-60 rating, but even very conservatives don’t like Murdoch, rating him 23-27.

Though not the most popular figure PPP has polled, if God exists, voters are prepared to give it good marks. Voters approve of God’s performance by 52-9 margin, making God about as popular as Murdock is unpopular. When asked to evaluate God on some of the issues it is responsible for, voters give God its best rating on creating the universe, 71-5. They also approve of its handling of the animal kingdom 56-11, and even its handling of natural disasters 50-13. Young voters are prepared to be more critical of God on natural disasters with those 18-29 rating it 59-26 compared to 47-12 among those over 65. 33% approve of the performance of Democrats in Congress while 54% disapprove (up from 29-60 in June). Republicans rate a similar 33-55 (22-61 in June).Speaker Boehner’s ratings have also improved. He garners a 33-37 rating (27-37 in June).

When Americans have to decide which Congress they dislike the least, they give a slight edge to the Democrats. 39% feel the Republicans are doing a better job than the Democrats did while in power to 42% who feel they are doing a worse job. This is a bit tighter than last month when voters felt the GOP was doing a worse job 37-30. Independents in particular are fonder of the Republican Congress, having felt they were worse by a 38-19 margin last month, compared to only 37-36 today. On the generic Congressional ballot, the race is also tight with voters planning to vote Democratic 46-44.

PPP surveyed 928 American voters from July 15th to 17th. The margin of error for the survey is +/-3.2%. This poll was not paid for or authorized by any campaign or political organization. PPP surveys are conducted through automated telephone interviews. PPP is a Democratic polling company, but polling expert Nate Silver of the New York Times found that its surveys in 2010 actually exhibited a slight bias toward Republican candidates.


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