A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jun 1, 2011

'You Know You're In Trouble When...' Department: Polls Showing Republicans and Conservatives Opposing Rep. Ryan's Medicare Elimination Plan

Polls are showing that even conservatives and Republicans are turning

against the 'Medicare Reform' proposal put forth by Rep. Paul Ryan. This makes opposition to it a majority opinion in the US. So, let's forget about the politics for a minute and focus on the communications issues. I know that is sort of like saying let's talk about profit but forget about taxes. Bear with me.

The question that arises is why a political party with aspirations for ideological and electoral dominance - and with a good shot at achieving it - would propose a policy that ends benefits for the majority of voters in an economically challenging era.

The Republican proposal effectively cancels a 40 year old entitlement that helps families reduce medical expenses, one of the fastest-growing and frightening costs faced by Americans. It is not clear who this proposal benefits. Perhaps some health insurance companies. And maybe it satisfies the billionaires who fund this party (but let's be clear: billionaires with agendas fund both parties; no one gets a 'go home free' on that). So how could such a massive political miscalculation have been made?

Evidently they thought they had the media wind at their backs and that concern about national debt surpassed that about living expenses. And maybe it did for a while. But when reality hit home, the voters did what they always do: assess the impact on their own lives. As a general rule of marketing, people tend to be strongly in favor of cutting other peoples' benefits, not their own. It is a lesson worth remembering, whatever profession you are in. JL

Evan McMorris-Santoro reports in TPM:
"More evidence that Republicans are following Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) down a dark path when it comes to Medicare: a new CNN poll shows not even self-identified conservatives are in favor of Ryan's scheme.

Like most recent polls, the CNN survey shows a vast majority of respondents less than thrilled with Ryan's plan to end Medicare and replace it with a voucher system. Just 35% say they support it, while 58% say they oppose it. The majority stands opposed to Ryan's plan across all demographic groups, including Republicans.

Among conservatives, 54% are opposed. Among current seniors -- who would not be affected by the changes in the Ryan Medicare plan -- a full 74% are opposed, even after they're told that Ryan's plan affects Americans 55 years of age and younger.
Even Republicans break against Ryan's plan, though only slightly. Fifty percent oppose the plan, while 48% support it.

The new CNN poll comes on the heels of numbers from Democratic allies showing similar opposition to Ryan's plan as well as hints that the continuing fight over the Republican Medicare proposal could be giving a boost to Democrats and President Obama.

The same holds true in the CNN poll. "For the first time since they won back control of the House last November, the number of Americans who say that Republican control of the chamber is good for the country has dropped below the 50 percent mark," notes the CNN analysis.

CNN polled around 1,000 Americans May 24-26. The margin of error is 3%


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