A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jun 19, 2011

Props for Dads On Fathers Day: They Are More Likely to Spend Time With Kids On Entertainment and Internet Activities, Including Social Media, According to New Research

Fathers' Day is usually replete with corny images of dads lying in a hammock while the family brings him drinks and artery-clogging foodstuffs. As if. For instance, some of us, like this writer, are at kids' athletic tournaments. Many others are working. But to the extent that dads are kicking back today, especially with the kids, research suggests it is probably in front of a screen: computer, tv or movie.

In fact, the numbers are pretty big: dads spend more than 50% more time online with kids than moms. And despite the fact that women over age 40 are the fastest growing demographic on Facebook, dads are far more likely to be Facebook friends with their kids than moms. Is this good, bad or indifferent? Well, that dads are involved with their kids is definitely good. That they are spending a lot of time online or passively watching may not be.

Rather than make value judgments, it may be more productive simply to register that this behavior exists. It is where our society and culture have led us. As more relationships develop, to some degree, online it makes sense that intra-family connections would do so as well. So, let dad have his day and think - but not too hard - about how our culture has evolved.

Jack Neff reports in Advertising Age:
"Dads, even more than moms, believe they're spending more time with their kids these days than their parents did. But how dads are spending that time skews heavily toward media, entertainment and the internet. The Ipsos LMX Family survey of 715 parents of kids 12 and under conducted this winter found dads are spending 50% or more time than moms with kids online, playing video games and going to movies, live theater or sporting events.

By a 33% to 26% margin, the dads were also more likely to be friends with their kids on social networks -- remarkable not just because dad is more likely to be the social-media guardian, but also because all the kids in the study were under the officially required age to join Facebook or many other social networks. Overall, by a 72% to 67% margin, dads are more likely than moms to say they spend more time with their kids than their parents did, Ipsos found. What dads are making time to do, however, is largely the fun stuff.
"Moms are still more than responsible for the cleaning, cooking, shopping and staying on top of everyone's practical needs and wants," said Donna Sabino, senior VP-kids and family insights for Ipsos. "But it is definitely a change, and one for the positive psychologically, that dads are participating more in all aspects, although not to the same level as moms in that day-to-day practical stuff."

As for the fun, 73% of dads said they'd played a video game with their kids in the past week, vs. only 38% of moms. Not surprisingly, the balance was heaviest in favor of dads on "shooter," action and sports games. Moms were also less likely than dads, but by slimmer margins, to play racing or strategy games with kids.

Dads were at least 50% more likely than moms to have watched movies or TV shows with their kids in the past week, too. And they were also more likely, but by smaller margins, to in the past year have downloaded music, found educational content or attended live theater, sports or concerts with their kids.

"Dads realize what they do now with their kids has a payoff through their kids' lives in creating good memories," Ms. Sabino said. "I think it's just a smarter generation of dads, and more sensitive to the needs of their kids."

To that sensitive point, more dads in the survey (53%) than moms (45%) said they try to "always find good family movies to watch as a family at the theater."


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